Letter: May 31, 2013

Dear Brethren and co-workers in Christ:

It has been another full and busy week here.  In addition to keeping up with the thrice daily posts at www.cogwriter.com, handling multiple emails, and making the Bible News Prophecy channel video this week, we also began to visit hotels for a Feast of Tabernacles’s site in California.

Sites in Kenya and New Zealand have been finalized and I plan to report more on them later.

My wife Joyce and I visited five potential locations in Santa Maria, California.  We plan to announce the actual hotel later (it has not been decided yet–we are awaiting pricing and other information).   Although Santa Maria does have its own (small) airport, many will probably find that it is easier and/or more cost effective to drive to Santa Maria, either from their homes or from the Los Angeles or Santa Barbara, California airports.

Speaking of my wife, I received a report this week that the Fine Arts Hall, of the old Ambassador College campus, was in the process of being demolished (More Ambassador campus demolition).  Joyce and I were married in that building.  More and more of the old campus is being eliminated and there will be little physical trace of the old Ambassador campus after a while.

But the work of God is not confined to any building and must continue.

Reaching the World through the Internet

Here in Arroyo Grande, we continue to strive to reach the world with Christ’s gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 24:14).

It addition to the news posts at the www.cogwriter.com website, some additional articles on the main page were added in English.

Also, more information is now available in the Spanish, Tagalog, and Mandarin Chinese languages.

World News Trends

Last Friday was initially to be called “Gender Bender” day at an elementary school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.  While they changed the name, they still encouraged boys to dress like girls and girls to dress like boys.  This, of course, is in violation with scripture (Deuteronomy 22:5).  This week’s sermonette deals with this and other topics related to the agenda of the homosexuals to reach children.

Somewhat following the lead of Australia and some other countries, New Zealand reported that it is considering having direct trade with China using with its NZ dollar and the Chinese currency (China and New Zealand discussing trade without US dollars!).  While this is not good news for the USA dollar, ultimately it will not be good for New Zealand either (though there are temporal benefits for now).

The USA discovered that some “unexpected” genetically-modified wheat was growing in Oregon (USA finds unapproved GMO wheat growing in Oregon).  This is of prophetic concern as I believe it shows that USA scientists do not truly understand what they are doing related to GMOs, and that the increased reliance on GMOs is setting the USA up for future crop failure and famine.  But it and its scientists are mainly overlooking that risk.

Suggested Sabbath Service for June 1, 2013

Here is our suggested format for Sabbath services on June 1, 2013:

We continue to do the work and try to support you, our scattered brethren.


Bob Thiel, Pastor and Overseer
Continuing Church of God